1·LCD liquid crystal display already is a man-machine interface key technology.
2·This article is based on SCM LCD liquid crystal display control system was studied.
3·The company produced LCD liquid crystal display is the world's leading manufacturers.
4·Operating principle of LCD liquid crystal screen and an arrangement of making dynamic hologram using LCD liquid crystal screen are presented in this paper.
5·In line with the core concept of acceleration technology, from the TFT-LCD liquid crystal screen of the industrial test equipment, to consumer electronics products, have left our mark.
本着核心加速的技术理念,从TFT - LCD液晶屏的工业测试设备领域,到电子消费类产品,都留下了我们的痕迹。
6·LCD displays, by contrast, filter light from a backlight through an array of tiny coloured filters and liquid-crystal shutters.
7·The question, then, is what kind of 1080p set to use-plasma display, liquid-crystal display (LCD) or the latest light-emitting diode (LED) variety?
接下来的问题是,1080 p用什么类型的屏幕—等离子显示器,液晶显示器(LCD)或最新的发光二极管(LED) ?
8·Even the best liquid-crystal display (LCD) can produce only about a third of the range of colours which the human eye (in collaboration with the brain) can perceive.
9·This arrangement basically makes for a more stable display, improving the response time of each liquid crystal and addressing the issue of uniformity in LCD display.
10·LCD displays also use shutters, in effect, consisting of liquid-crystal elements whose polarisation can be changed to block light or let it pass.